Training of indigenous women in Sabga on Peace and Security
Increase Mbororo Women's Participation in Peace and Security

Increase women's participation in peace building processes

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Menstrual Hygiene Management Project in Cameroon

Training of Enumerators for the MHM project: "Evaluation of Menstrual Hygiene Management Intervention in Priority Schools in Cameroon"

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International Day for World Indigenous People

The role of Indigenous Women in the Preservation and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge

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Adult Literacy Programme with Mbororo women of the Ntabang community

Adult literacy programme with Mbororo women of the Ntabang community

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Human Rights sensitization campaign with Mbororo women and girls

sensitization of Mbororo women in the Binshua community in Nkambe on human rights violation, Referral pathways and the importance of women in decision making spaces.

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Girl Force Unnscripted and Unstoppable

The aim is and continues to be empowering girls with every possible tool to ensure they live up to and beyond the potentials they have been endowed with.

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Two Days training of trainers in Sabga

Two Days training of trainers in Sabga, Tubah Sub Division, on Peace Building and Mediation Implemented by Assowip through UNESCO and United Nations Peace Buiding Fund.

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